Wednesday, December 22, 2010


We, as a nation, have always been taught that discrimination is a bad thing.. Yet our federal government may be the single biggest perp. At this time of year the tax code is front and center as a prime example of discrimination..

Different tax rates for different levels of personal income is blatant in its discrimination.. Same can be said for the social security payroll deduction when those that make $$$gazillions pay no more than those that make $109,000 (the current cap).

A perfect example of a FAIR tax (fair in that it treats us ALL the same) is the federal gas tax. Tiger Woods pays the same percentage of tax on his fuel as we do.. In my opinion that makes that tax (while tough to swallow) one that is fairly administrated.

While not in the forefront of discriminatory abuses the perks, retirement pay, health benefits etc. of our self-proclaimed royalty are almost vulgar in their discrimination towards the taxpayer, based on our required participation in programs from which they have exempted themselves.

A lack of term limits for none except The President fosters a situation where each additional term in office further removes our representatives from the reality of life as we the represented ones…know it to be. How can they be effective under that sort of isolation? They can not but…the gate’s been left open and they change the rules they operate under to fit their particular agenda.

The watchdog of a news media is naught but a shadow of its former self, a groupie whore to the whims of the liberal biased of this country.

Uncleben ..

1 comment:

Seeker said...

I was a Fairtax fan at first too.

Don't feel bad. It sure sounds great.

But Fairtax has fine print that is pretty surprising. Their fine shows it's a massive new tax, and its not fair, at all.

A massive tax on city and state GOVERNMENTs. Read this:

"Under our plan, all city and state governments will pay to the federal government a tax on all their spending -- on all their purchases, on services and goods, including labor (wages)."

Fairtax -The Truth. Answering the Critics. Page 138.

Have you ever heard Fairtax say city and state governments would have to pay massive taxes?

No. Of course you never have. It's barely mentioned .

Do they explain how California or NY or Texas or Florida state governments would pay this??

Did they even tell city and states about this (no).

A massive tax on city and state governments?? Surely that is a misquote, or taken out of context.

No -- Fairtax is based on this massive new tax on city and state government. Not only does their own book say it (though in the fine print), but their own spokesman defend this massive new tax on city and state government.

But, why didn't Fairtax make this clear, why hide that in just one sentence in the back of their book?

You say everyone will pay the same with Fairtax?

Oh really?

Suppose your child had cancer, heaven forbid. Under Farce tax, you would have to pay 50,000 or so, on average, as a TAX on cancer care.

Plus, of course, all the other Fairtax -- a tax on your rent, ect.

There are NO exceptions with fairtax, none, not any. That is why they didn't explain this to you.

Suppose your financial twin brother lives next door to you,and has the same job, same income, ect.

But you develop leukemia. He does not.

Your federal tax could EASILY be 100,000, because leukemia is a very expensive illness. And there are NO exceptions, at all. So YOU pay 140K in fairtaxes, he pays 40.

Do you think that is fair, or even logical? And why do you think Fairtax didn't explain this, either.

When Fairtax described the tax on medical cost -- guess what example they used? A ten DOLLAR tax on an office visit!! Ten dollars!

Nonsense, first, it would be ten dollars only if the office visit cost 35 dollars. Office visits haven't been 35 dollars since JFK was president.

Better think again.

Better look at their fine print.

Better ask yourself WHY this massive new tax is in their fine print.

Better ask how can poor people pay this tax? Oh Fairtax says the prebate -- but the prebate is 200 a month. That's it. It doesnt go up a dime if you get cancer.

200 dollars! That's all the prebate is, it has nothing to do with how much your taxes are. So if your fairtax was 100,000 becaue of an illness, your prebate is still 200.

Here is another thing about that prebate -- Fairtax does not count that as an expense!! 200 dollars to everyone in USA, no matter what. Per month.

Do the math. 200x 12 =2400. 2400 x 320 million is what? 744 billion dollars. Got that?

744 billion! Just for the PREBATE!! And they don't count that as an expense!!

Plus, they hide the massive new tax on city and state governments!

Plus, they don't tell you how the poor will pay these taxes -- except double talk about the "prebate" which is nonsense.